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Why Join a Fitness Club?

Rest assured that there are many reasons why you should join a fitness club but there is only one reason why you still feel slightly reluctant to join a fitness club and is called contributions.

However, do not let this put you off. After all, you can not expect to reap all the benefits of joining a fitness club for free right?

Gyms - help you reach your fitness goals

Gyms motivate you. Exercise alone is not fun even if you are not with an exercise partner, the atmosphere in the fitness clubs is just often enough to boost "on track" with your fitness goals. But do not worry, you're not going to find their own "personal space" in fitness clubs. Most people, like you, enjoy the atmosphere, but are quick to leave alone.

Gyms offer savings. There is no doubt that many teams have strengthened proved extremely effective. However, to buy all cost a fortune! This really is one of the main reasons to go to a gym. Sure, you could pay a steep amount especially if you go for a well-equipped gym, but since you have access to many teams, considered a good investment for your overall fitness goals.

Gyms give you access to fitness professionals. Gyms truly enjoys with nutritionists, dietitians, fitness consultants and personal trainers. Most of the time, access to these persons are included in your membership to take advantage of them!

Gyms offer enjoyable pleasures. Great facilities such as saunas, steam baths, spacious shower and changing facilities, and perhaps a swimming pool are all the "extras" that come with a large member of a fitness club. So exercise and enjoy!

What to look for in a gym

All were preparing to join the fitness club. Here are some tips that you should consider.
Think about your own fitness goals and this particular type of activity that you really encouraged. For example, if you are more into aerobics, join a fitness club with aerobics and provides a series of aerobic fitness machines. On the other hand, if you're idea of a total body workout swims ensure that the gym has a large pool.

Location, location, location. The best fitness club to join is that you have immediate access. Believe me, if the club "perfect" Fitness is all the way across the other side of town, chances are, you do not go as often as I should and I would have wasted money reach .

Club staff as friendly and reliable form. Although one of the main factors to join a fitness club is the range of fitness facilities that offer, it is important to have a professional staff that are available to you all the time. For example, some fitness clubs say they have internal trainers and consultants, but many customers are never able to "see". If you are a fitness equipment beginner or are starting on your fitness goals, this point must be large account with you.

Five Steps to Fitness Success

Despite what you may see on TV infomercials or newspaper ads, there is no magic pill or magic formula that will set you up at night. No matter what any body disc glamor spokesman said of the latest "revolutionary" the exercise machine, diet or supplementation program, the fact is that to achieve fitness success takes time and energy. You can bet that the speaker did not get his body using the "wonder-fat Alizer new" machine at 30 seconds per day! He or she is probably engaged in a fitness program that includes diet and plenty of exercise.

In addition, we believe that to achieve fitness success is within reach of all. This article provides powerful, effective things you can do now that will start your fitness program and get you on the path to success fitness.


1. Make changes TODAY!
2. Decide and Commitment
3. Define objectives
4. Design your roadmap
5. Feel Good!
Step 1: Making changes TODAY!

It FITNESS success brings incremental improvements consistent over time. As the power of compound interest, even small improvements can be implemented in a snow-balling effect that generates momentum, enthusiasm and results!

There are specific and immediate changes you can make that will produce important results: 


Seems obvious, but it's really amazing how much potential in this step is simple. Park at the end of the parking lot; take the stairs instead of the elevator; continue their grandchildren. Our bodies were built for movement, and just getting around is a great way to start your fitness program. Walking is a very underrated form of exercise. That's Dancing!

Drink water

You'll hear different amounts of different targets experts, but a good rule of thumb is to drink eight glasses of water a day. It is good practice to drink a glass half-hour before and after meals. Substituting water for less healthy beverages (like soda) reduce calorie intake and reduce artificial colors flavors, etc. In addition, the increase in water consumption help curb the appetite.

Eat less, more often

Studies have shown that our bodies work more efficiently when we spread our supply of our more than five or six small meals a day against three large meals to which we have become accustomed. And grandmother told her to eat your vegetables was right on target! Most Americans do not eat enough fruits and vegetables regularly. It's surprisingly easy to reduce the size of the meal when water consumption increases and include more fruits and vegetables. 

Keep track of what you eat

Another simple but powerful advice! You go "all the way" and actually keep track of everything you eat, or just make a mental recap periodically during the day, it's a great way to manage your diet. For example, when you are ready to go to dinner, do a quick review of what you have eaten to date will help you make better decisions menu.


Flexibility is an important component of overall fitness. A daily stretching routine can significantly improve their mobility in a very short period of time. Just remember: stretching movements should be smooth and gradual, and never jerky or bouncy. Once you have made your simple mode changes life changes mentioned above, you can start building the positive dynamics that help you move aggressively toward your fitness goals!


There are big, big changes:the fact is that you can not be fit in a day. But you can decide today to take a continuous improvement increment commitment that will put you on the right path IMMEDIATELY.

Step 2: Decide to take better care of yourself

You probably know someone who has had health problems that could have been avoided if the person had better his care. How many times did you decide to start taking better care of yourself?

But what does that mean?

Ask what almost everyone "better care of yourself," and certainly hear something like "do more exercise and eat sensibly." Everyone seems to know that exercise is important for overall health and wellness, and is an important part of better care of yourself. We have all seen the reports on TV, in magazines, on the Internet is an irrefutable fact that people of all ages and fitness levels can benefit the physical and psychological benefits of weight through participation in a scheme reasonable exercise.

So ... Why do so many people neglect to participate in an exercise program when they know that this behavior will improve your health, appearance, attitude and quality of life in general?
The answer is simple. They have not yet decided to take better care of them.

You already know a lot of good reasons to start an exercise program. You've probably heard (or even used!) At least one of the most common excuses for not starting an exercise program:

"Not enough time." (Probably the number one excuse)
"I would not feel comfortable with a job lot of" hard bodies. "
"It's too expensive."

 Let's bust these mythical excuses now!

"Not enough time.
" There are many busy people who are fit and lots of friendly people who are busy. The fact is that people who decide to take the time, take the time. It is hard to imagine that there are many more important things in the life of their physical, which is what allows you to enjoy all the other aspects of your life.

"I would not feel comfortable with a job lot of" hard bodies.
" This is an easy task. If you are not comfortable working in a particular health club, then do! There are many different places where you can exercise, you are sure to find the right with a little homework. See "Should I join a health club."

"It's too expensive."
The charge associated with a fitness program may vary from one thousand dollars multiple investment in home exercise equipment to a zero-cost program that includes walking, jogging and / or gymnastics. If you join a health club or seek the services of a personal trainer, then there are the costs of the corresponding course. But again, there are many health clubs with different fee structures. Do some comparison shopping!

Consider the following:

a) What is the ROI (return on investment) for effective fitness program? What is it worth to you to improve your health and general well-being; have more energy and stamina; to feel better? What is the long term cost of not participating in a fitness program?

b) What is "expensive"? A health club costs $ 60 per month explodes at about $ 14 per week. It's something like $ 3 a workout, or what most people spend on coffee every day.

c) Maybe you fall into a category that qualifies for a discount at a local gym. For example, many clubs have reduced membership programs for seniors, local business employees ("Corporate Membership"), reference discounts, etc. Again, do a little work can actually bear fruit!

Now it's just a matter of deciding who will take better care of yourself. This means committing to take action.


We use the word "commitment" here for a reason. The dictionary defines "engagement" as "an agreement or pledge to do something in the future." A commitment is a promise. We're talking about making a promise to yourself that you will start to take better care of yourself even. And nothing is more rewarding than the fulfillment of a promise!

Step 3: Define training objectives

Start with your definition of fitness. What does this mean for you? We could achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. You could reduce your blood pressure, increase lean muscle mass, or be able to walk a mile briskly without too wordy. Your goal might be to adapt to take his little son down the stairs. For some, it is bench pressing 400 pounds or run a marathon. It's not important.

Define what you want from a fitness program.

It may be helpful to talk to people you know who are already actively involved in the exercise, or have a query evaluation with a trainer / Fitness specialist staff in the local health club.

Make sure your goals are realistic, but do not be afraid to be tested. Please note that fitness is really a thing to feel better!

So when your goal is set, do not forget to think about how to achieve this goal will feel physically, mentally and emotionally. This will make the target feel more "real," and give a motivational tool that you can use in your fitness journey.

Hard against soft targets:
Really worth to establish "hard" targets. That is, goals that are as specific and measurable as possible.
Target "soft" on the other side are more vague and general.

 For example ...
Soft Target:
I want to get in shape.
(How will you measure your success? What does "fit" mean?)

Measurable, Specific objective:

For June 30 I want to lose 10 pounds, and increase my strength to the point where I can move the mile without stopping.

Thé establishment of specific fitness goals is a great motivator, since you can track your success and see the progress as it moves towards its goal.

Step 4: Having Itineraries

 You have decided to make a real commitment to action and start taking better care of yourself. And you took the next important step in putting your fitness goals.

For many people, the first steps are the hardest. It is important to understand that without a real commitment (step 2) and clear objectives (step 3), it is impossible to develop a plan. It would be like building a house without a plan!

But once you have completed these crucial steps, you are ready to develop your roadmap.

Your fitness roadmap must answer three main questions:

What is my purpose (where am I going?)
What is my plan (how?)
How can I monitor progress (how can I tell where I am now?)
It is absolutely essential that you place a roadmap that addresses these three issues. The roadmap should describe the actual exercise routines to perform workouts, planning, and a method to measure progress at prescribed intervals.

The best approach is to start with a high-level framework, and then fill in the details as you gather information. The plan should include:

frequency of training (for example, four times a week)
rough mix of flexibility, strength and cardiovascular training (depending on objectives)
actual exercise programs (*)
The control points (eg, weighing every 3 weeks)
The more specific you are in the planning phase, the better your chances of success!
(*) There are many sources of help in designing your exercise program. Training programs are available online or in bookstores. Our best advice is: get help. That of a friend-fitness mind or trained professional in a health club, get expert help, you can easily build a roadmap that includes sufficient variation to avoid potential boredom of a fixed routine .

Also consider if you want to have someone like sparring. Some people find the motivation to have a partner; You might even sometimes the "fault" of you to work when you know your partner counting on you. And two heads are usually better than one!

Once you have your roadmap, you can determine what training places will make sense. Depending on your goals, there may be several effective ways for you to follow. You can join a walking club or enroll in dance classes. You can start an independent exercise program at home or join a friend who jogged regularly.


You should consult your doctor before starting an exercise regime.

 Step 5: Feel Good!

Fitness is, above all, to feel good!
Once you have designed a fitness roadmap, the best way to succeed is to enjoy the challenge. Our bodies want to be fit! And once you start the program, the joy that comes when one moves will feel.
There is nothing more motivating than knowing that you have set a goal to have a plan of action, and works his plan. As you work your plan, always remember:

Enjoy the ride
Tracking progress
Set new ambitious goals for yourself.

 This last point is important: you are not "done" when you reach your goals. Fitness is not a destination, it is a lifestyle. So, when you reach a goal, congratulate you and raise the bar!
You'll find that you'll look forward to days of training, and even in those rare occasions when you have to "force" you exercise, you'll be glad you did. Enjoying the ride is the most important key to success in fitness.


It is also important to mix a bit of patience with his enthusiasm. It is possible that a workout or two is lost or Get-side monitoring for a week. This occurs even the most dedicated fitness devotees. If and when you slip, or progress slows, it is important to remember how many long-term benefit you get from your training program. And even after a "slip", nothing feels better than to get back on track.

By following the five steps to success in fitness, you can make immediate improvements in your overall fitness kick start your journey towards your fitness goals enjoy making the most of your fitness program


Five steps to success FITNESS
 1) Making changes TODAY!
2) Decide and Commitment
3) Define the objectives
4) Design Your roadmap
5) Feel Good!

 Pete Bellisano is a certified personal trainer and owner of Peak Performance Fitness in Berkeley Heights NJ. Customer peaks reach remarkable results in weight loss and improve overall fitness through our unique approach to fitness for real people.

9 Pioneers of Fitness

In the composition of a list of important people in almost all areas, everyone will have their own favorites. In addition, weightlifting, bodybuilding, physical fitness, aerobics, to name some areas there are many people who have contributed so much it's hard to narrow the list down correctly. I tried, however, includes people who came several times to my attention my first contact to 16 weight training in 1961. I tried to focus on the people I felt were something fundamental in the areas of weight lifting, weight training, aerobics and general fitness. I'm sure many readers will have their own favorites.

 Eugen Sandow The Non Pareil (1867 - 1925) Born in Germany, Eugen Sandow has often been called the "Father of Modern Bodybuilding". Like Charles Atlas, in his youth, Sandow was a great admirer of Greek and Roman statues of athletes and gladiators. Sandow is considered a pioneer in bodybuilding because it measures statues to determine the exact proportions and then worked to develop their own body parts to match them. In his teens, while in shows strong men, was seen and accepted by legendary showman Florenz Ziegfeld. His big splash in America was in the world in 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago. His intelligence, natural charm and cultivated appearance combined with its physical and strength that surprised him a star. Women actually paid money for the privilege of feeling his muscles. For men, has written extensively on health, fitness and. He, like Bernarr Macfadden and Charles Atlas offered a mail order course to teach their students how to achieve health and fitness.

Finally, the progressive fitness club in London, which was the opposite of moist, dark and sweaty gyms of the day it opened. With his personality and innovation, is the popular exercise and fitness for a wider audience than previously achieved. Bernarr Macfadden (1868 - 1955) Born Bernard Adolphus McFadden in the state of Missouri, Bernarr Macfadden changed their names because I felt that new names had a greater appearance of strength. This was not the only strange activity of the man who advocated regular fasting, and some very esoteric health practices for the day and whose wife called him a crackpot. He combined his own personal fitness and health practices opinions in an entity called "physical culture" which became the title of his first magazine. Over time, it became a bit of a publishing magnate, but is generally considered along the boundaries of reality in his obsessive approach to fitness. However, it has inspired young men like Charles Atlas and brought the idea of health and fitness as a lifestyle to a wider public party. Charles Atlas (1892 - 1972) Angelo Siciliano was born in 1892 in Acri, Calabria, southern Italy. In 1905, his parents emigrated to America with young Angelo.

A few years later, he changed his name to "Charles", when he won a photo contest in a magazine produced by the creator of "physical culture" Bernarr Macfadden. Young Charles was inspired to improve their physique.by Greek statues he saw at the Brookly Art Gallery. His first attempts with gym makeshift bar was made of sticks and stones. His observation of animals in the zoo, however, led him to found a series of fitness activities in their apparent means to maintain their fitness in captivity. He called his discovery Dynamic Voltage and continued to market your program to thousands of boys and men. On the way to becoming "Charles Atlas", posed for statues of Atlas.

Some of which were exhibited in the museum where he found his initial inspiration. At the time of his death, yet the daily exercise and running every other day. Its ongoing dynamic tension has been the inspiration for more than three million men and children. Hoffman (1898 - 1985) Bob Hoffman is considered by many as the "Father of World Weightlifting" and was the founder of York Barbell He was an athlete, nutritionist, weightlifter, coach and philanthropist Although an outstanding athlete as a kid.. , mature Bob Hoffman was never a great weightlifter or coach. However, his vision, sense of purpose, and personal belief in the value of weightlifting led him to create York Barbell, a company that has always been recognized as the leading manufacturer of weightlifting equipment and is still in existence today. while many believe his writings and opinions were "above" personal courage and willingness to face adversity showed not only later in his life he advocated and defended their positions, but also during the First World War, where he was awarded three Croix Wars with two palms and a silver star from France, the Belgian Order Leopold of Belgium, the Italian war Cross by Italy and the Purple Heart for America. Jack LaLanne (1914 - present) Francois Henri Lalanne, best known to American audiences as Jack and considered the "Godfather of Fitness," has had a widely viewed television program in the 1950s Interestingly, his show was not doubt seen and monitored more women than men, and may have played a role in promoting the idea that women can "get in shape." Unlike many of the early fitness supporters Jack LaLanne has carefully considered its field and has introduced what he felt his studies told him it was the right way to do things. He is still active in the gym today, marketing a full range of fitness and nutritional products.

 Joe Weider (1922 - present) Joe Weider is probably one of the easiest to recognize in the bodybuilding field numbers today. He was credited with not only be a driving force in the field of bodybuilding and fitness, but has helped countless bodybuilders career, no less than what was a young Austrian named Arnold Schwarzenegger. He began his fitness career in the construction of his first measures of wheels and axles car scrapped. At 17, with a share of $ 7, he began his publishing career with the deployment of the first edition of "physical" in 1939. In 1968 he changed the name of the magazine to strengthen muscles and in 1982 changed again, this time for "Muscle & Fitness". With his brother and partner, Ben Weider, Joe Weider founded the International Federation of Body Builders (IFBB). His publications now include such diverse offerings as "Shape", "fitness for men," "Living Fit", "Premier Health and Fitness", "Fit Pregnancy", "kitchen", "senior golfer" and "Flex" . Weider now offers a wide range of books on fitness and strength training, nutritional supplements and bodybuilding and weight lifting equipment and accessories. Kenneth Cooper (1931 - present) A doctor (MD) and former officer in the Air Force, Dr. Ken Cooper is probably best known for his book, "Aerobics" which was published in 1968 and has been a driving force in the I am getting interested in fitness.

Description Dr Cooper-earth in what he calls the "ripple effect" as well as a formatting process by which one could achieve health and fitness, as well as vivid descriptions of what the personal effects would be for someone to follow a fitness program, makes his book a success. In fact, some have speculated that simple little book by Kenneth Cooper, "aerobic", may have been the impetus that fitness in the minds and hearts of millions of people worldwide. Today, Dr. Cooper is the director of the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas. Richard Simmons (1948 - present) Flamboyant is a word commonly used to describe the inflatable structure without constantly cheerful aerobics guru Richard Simmons. It is estimated that Richard Simmons has helped and encouraged people worldwide to lose more than £ 3 million through a combination of a healthy diet and vigorous exercise. Simmons has produced several programs like "Disco Sweat," "Sweating to the Oldies" and "Stretchin" classic "that includes all of the humor and the signature of high excitement. He created products and programs ranging of gentle stretching for seniors in high intensity aerobics teaching.

My wife, who hates exercise, like Richard Simmons and actually got to where she could follow some very intense workouts, but had start by sitting on the couch and just do the movements of the hand. Jane Fonda (1937 - present) Many do not recognize the famous star of films like "Barbarella" and "Coming Home" and daughter of actor Henry Fonda, pioneering fitness or guru. For many years, he was best known as an actress with a sexy body, a great name, and intense political views. However, from 1982 to the mid-90s, Ms. Fonda has launched several fitness videos that have become very popular, especially with women. In fact, today, many people who know Jane Fonda know her more as an advocate for fitness, health, exercise, yoga and aerobics as a movie star.

While Jane Fonda was no immediate health science contributions and fitness, she, like Richard Simmons, was able to increase his stature with a broad female audience and helped make the mode exercise, sweat, get fit and feminine. Jane Fonda may have helped to advance public awareness of the value and virtues of exercise and fitness, to the point that many people now consider a woman physically fit to be a sexy woman only because of his physical condition. Well, there you have it. Nine people who somehow positively affected, altered or improved fields bodybuilding, weightlifting, aerobics, or general fitness. Donovan Baldwin is a writer of Texas and the University of West Florida student. He was a member of Mensa, and retired from the US Army after 21 years of service. In his career, he held various management and monitoring. However, its main pleasures have long been writing, nature, health and fitness. In recent years, he has been able to combine the pleasures of writing poetry and articles on topics such as health, fitness, weight lifting, yoga, weight loss, environment , global warming, happiness, self-improvement and life.